OCR Bottom Line Podcast: Maximizing the Value of MEM
(April 3, 2023)--Our three-part podcast series on Medical Equipment Management concludes, with ideas and strategies to find and maximize opportunities using this discipline to achieve meaningful savings while maintaining quality patient care. Click below to learn...

OCR Bottom Line Podcast: Understanding the Basics of MEM
(March 27, 2023)--As a follow-up to our first Bottom Line podcast on the value of Medical Equipment Management, here is the second installment of our three-part series: "Understanding the Basics of Medical Equipment Management." Click below to learn more from...

OCR Bottom Line Podcast: The Undiscovered Value of MEM
(March 20, 2023)--We invite you to enjoy a new exciting and entertaining offering from OC Reilly, the OCR Bottom Line Podcast! Click below to listen to nationally respected experts from OC Reilly discuss Medical Equipment Management and the value potential for your...

OCR Bottom Line: Holiday Message 2022—Looking Back, Looking Forward
By PJ O’Connor, President, OC Reilly Inc. (Dec. 19, 2022)--When I think of my father making the leap into a decidedly new and novel venture some 17 years ago, armed with nothing but a great idea and lot of belief, it inspires me to carry on and advance the company...

OCR Bottom Line: Joining a History of Thankfulness
By PJ O’Connor, President, OC Reilly, Inc. (Nov. 21, 2022)--Most of us recall the lessons we learned as schoolchildren about the origin of Thanksgiving, where the Pilgrims sat down with Native Americans to share a meal in peace and harmony. The long legacy of the...

OCR Bottom Line: Veterans Day Message
“We don’t know them all, but we owe them all.” - Unknown (November 7, 2022)--Across the history of mankind, one fact stubbornly resists becoming extinct – every era, every civilization, every people need to be protected. Whether over borders or wealth or the most...

OCR Bottom Line: Observing Health Care Supply Chain Week
By PJ O’Connor, President, OC Reilly, Inc. (Sept. 29, 2022)—Each year, the importance of health care supply chain professionals is observed during National Health Care Supply Chain Week. This year’s special observance occurs the week of October 2 – 8, 2022. The...

OCR Bottom Line: 2022 Labor Day Message
By PJ O’Connor, President, OC Reilly, Inc. "The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand." - Vince Lombardi As the annual observance of...

OCR Bottom Line: Contracted Cost Savings Lead to Health System Financial Stability
By John Jones, Director, Strategic Projects, and Erin Yeager, Senior Analyst, Pharmacy and Supply Chain, OC Reilly, Inc. (August 1, 2022)--Think “health care supply chain,” and immediately images of medical supplies, needles, gauze, surgical instruments, and the like,...