OC Reilly Blog: Embracing the Complicated
By Bill O’Connor, President and CEO, OC Reilly Inc. (Jan. 22, 2018)—How many times have you heard this: “That sounds like a good idea, but we don’t have the people or the expertise to carry it off. It might work great, but it’s too complicated for us.” Nonsense. In...

OC Reilly Blog: Addressing Your Second-Largest Expense
By Rick Chew, Business Analyst, OC Reilly Inc. (Oct. 16, 2017)—Suppose a new company found success and had begun to get traction, increasing market share and revenues, but then discovered a drag on earnings. After some investigation, one factor was found to be the...

OC Reilly Blog: The Amazon Effect
By Nick McKinney, Manager Analytics, OC Reilly Inc. (Sept. 26, 2017)—Commerce sure has changed from the days when our parents and grandparents leafed through the Sears catalog to find merchandise. Today, you can pull a phone from your pocket and within 24 hours...

OC Reilly Blog: Don’t Blink
By Scott Satkoske, OC Reilly Inc. (Aug. 14, 2017)—The giant gothic architectural wonder dominates the skyline of Rochester, New York. Once the hub of a globally dominant company, a company whose products were synonymous with the industry it democratized around...

OC Reilly Blog: Prediction Precaution
By Vicki White, Vice President of Operations, OC Reilly Inc. (July 19, 2017)—People have been trying to predict the future since the moment they realized there was such a thing. From the ludicrous online fortune teller to the practiced radar-jockey...

OC Reilly Blog: Time to Trust
By Bill O’Connor, President and CEO, OC Reilly Inc. (June 12, 2017)—Two schools of thought prevail in business. One is management by fear and intimidation. The other relies more on building relationships, engaging partners, building trust. Both can work. But do...

OC Reilly Blog: This Isn’t an Impulse Purchase
By George Vunovic, Executive Vice President, Technologies, OC Reilly Inc. (August 8, 2016)—After an exhausting grind through the grocery store, you slowly edge your cart to the cashier and begin unloading your selections, when out of your peripheral vision, a...

OC Reilly Blog: The Renaissance Era
OC Reilly Blog: The Renaissance Era By Ray Clegg, Director, Logistical Operations, OC Reilly Inc. (July 11, 2016)—Everything evolves. Conditions, situations, assumptions continually get readjusted. The only constant is change. We’ve heard all of these...

OC Reilly Blog: Consumerism in Medical Equipment – A Trend Worth Watching
OC Reilly Blog: Consumerism - A Trend Worth Watching By George Vunovic, Executive Vice President, Technologies, OC Reilly Inc. (June 20, 2016)--As pressure continues to contain costs while providing high quality healthcare, a rising tide of consumerism can be...