OC Reilly Blog: Ensuring Financial Viability

OC Reilly Blog: Ensuring Financial Viability By Ed Moran, Supply Chain Analyst, OC Reilly Inc.   Health care exists to care for patients, of course.  That’s why hospitals get built, why doctors dedicate their talents, and why support staff perform their vitally...

OC Reilly Blog: Caveat Emptor

OC Reilly Blog: Caveat Emptor By Ray Staudt, Executive Director, Business Development, OC Reilly Inc.   It holds just as true in healthcare as in any other industry.  The allure of the latest technology, the shiny promise of the newest toy, love at first sight....

Bundled Payments Creating Cost Savings

OC Reilly Blog: Bundled Payments Creating Cost Savings By Bill O’Connor, President and CEO, OC Reilly Inc.   As the universe of health care and its associated costs continue to experience churn and uncertainty, the idea of “bundled payments” – arrangements where...

AMA Report Cites ICD-10 Challenges

OC Reilly Blog: AMA Report Cites ICD-10 Challenges By Ray Staudt, Executive Director, Business Development, OC Reilly Inc.   According to an article in the Feb. 17, 2014, issue of Modern Healthcare magazine, a new report sponsored by the American Medical...

OC Reilly Blog: The Need for Physician Engagement

OC Reilly Blog: The Need for Physician Engagement By Vicki White, Director of Business Development, OC Reilly Inc.   As the U.S. healthcare system continues on its journey toward a new paradigm, controlling costs remains in the forefront of discussions regarding...