OC Reilly Blog: The Renaissance Era By Ray Clegg, Director, Logistical Operations, OC Reilly Inc. (July 11, 2016)—Everything evolves. Conditions, situations, assumptions continually get readjusted. The only constant is change. We’ve heard all of these...
OC Reilly Blog: Consumerism – A Trend Worth Watching By George Vunovic, Executive Vice President, Technologies, OC Reilly Inc. (June 20, 2016)–As pressure continues to contain costs while providing high quality healthcare, a rising tide of...
OC Reilly Blog: Building Bridges By Scott Satkoske, OC Reilly Inc. (June 6, 2016)—Physicians want the best medical equipment for their patients, naturally. It’s what they became physicians to provide – the finest care to relieve suffering. Purchasing officers...
OC Reilly Blog: Measuring to Manage By George Vunovic, Executive Vice President, Technologies, OC Reilly Inc. (May 23, 2016)—The medical equipment segment of the healthcare industry has posed a challenging area in which to effectively achieve sustainable cost...
OC Reilly Blog: Sales Reps – An Endangered Species? By Bill O’Connor, President and CEO, OC Reilly Inc. (May 3, 2016)–“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” When Charles...
OC Reilly Blog: No Good Guys, No Bad Guys By Rick Chew, Business Analyst, OC Reilly Inc. (April 18, 2016)—A popular song from the 1970s told us, “There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys, there’s only you and me and we just disagree.” Too often, and to...